Breast Surgeries | Mammoplasty

Breast Reduction Surgery, or Reduction Mammoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces the size of the breasts, lifts the breasts, and raises and resizes the nipple and areola. Breast reduction surgery helps alleviate many symptoms like back pain, shoulder pain, hygiene issues, or self-consciousness associated with very large, heavy breasts.

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Length of the stay

7 Days


General Anesthesia

Hospital stay

1 days

Recovery Duration

2 weeks

Operation Duration

2 – 3 hours

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast Reduction Surgery, or Reduction Mammoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces the size of the breasts, lifts the breasts, and raises and resizes the nipple and areola. Many patients who have very large and heavy breasts have back and neck pain caused by the excessive weight, skin irritation, skeletal deformities, and breathing problems. Bra straps may leave shoulder indentations. Large heavy breasts can interfere with normal daily activities such as exercise.

I believe that for breast reduction surgery, in addition to removing breast volume, creating a beautiful round shape is truly important. I remove most of the excess breast tissue from the sides and less so from the middle and top so patients still have nice full cleavage after surgery. Too often I see the breasts become widely spaced cones after this surgery because too much tissue was removed from the middle and top. I also contour the shape so it has a natural round curve. Too often I see the breasts extend to the armpits with a rectangular shape and I have had to try to correct this which is very difficult.

Breast Reduction Recovery & Results: What to Expect

I have developed a special breast reduction technique that has minimal pain and a quick recovery. You will feel some soreness in the breast area and there will be swelling. The swelling lasts about a month. You will also have drains placed which are removed after about 1 week. It takes a full 4-6 months for the tissues to sit at their final shape or position. If you do have discomfort, Tylenol is usually all that’s needed. You will need to minimize arm movement for about 2 weeks and you will wear a supportive bra for 2 months after breast reduction surgery. This is something we will measure and provide for you in my office. 

Can BBL And Other Plastic Operations Be Combined?

Most of my patients feel almost back to normal at around 1 week after their breast reduction surgery. Moderate exercise such as walking or stationary biking is allowed after two weeks, and vigorous exercise such as jogging or aerobics may be resumed after 4 weeks. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days, but you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a couple of weeks after breast reduction surgery.

Breast reduction surgery produces some of the most dramatic results of all breast plastic surgeries. It improves the physical discomfort of large breasts and makes your body appear more evenly proportioned, and clothes fit better. Some of my happiest patients are breast reduction patients. This is personally one of my favorite procedures to perform because it is often life-changing for patients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is not legal to specify prices on websites for centers accredited by the Ministry of Health. For this reason, you can contact Beta Health Group and get information about our prices via WhatsApp.

Yes! Most women can still breastfeed perfectly fine after breast augmentation!

Recovery is fairly simple. Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze and an elastic bandage, recovery bra, to help with swelling as well as support.

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